Thursday, August 20, 2009

Pent Up Frustration

So I work with a residential theater company over the summer this year. I get to live on Cape Cod, and I get fed for free, but make very little money.

I'm on the set crew, building sets and scenery for nine shows in ten weeks. Very stressful job. I'm also really big on carrying around my own tools, and I like to be ready for everything. I just found out today, that somebody bent the shaft of my $200 drill. This doesn't quite render it useless, but it's a very annoying little problem that I would never have if I hadn't shared my tools with everyone. If I were to ask who dropped it, nobody would fess up. If I asked for reimbursement, I would receive none.

Some times you need to think about it before you decide to be nice.

Will people appreciate it? Will people respect it? Will people return the favor?

The answer to all three is probably "no," so don't be nice if it does nothing but cause problems for you.

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